Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

How Krav Maga Changed My Academic Performance

How Krav Maga Changed My Academic Performance  Recently, one of our teen students had to write an essay and decided to write about his journey with Krav Maga Experts. This essay, written from the “student’s perspective” puts into words what academic research had proven; Learning self-defense improves academic performance¹ ², increases self-esteem², and a sense… Continue reading How Krav Maga Changed My Academic Performance

Personal Story – Self-defense trains us for many kinds of violence

There are different kinds of violence, not all of them are physical and not all motives to use violence are the same. In the gym, we train to respond to Physical Violence & Sexual Violence mostly. In fact, most of the time it’s the Emotional Violence happens, even when the ‘aggressor’ isn’t a violent person,… Continue reading Personal Story – Self-defense trains us for many kinds of violence

What Yom Kippur Is All About?

This week we are observing Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur marks the end of the Days of Awe or Days of Repentance. It is a time for self-reflection. According to Jewish tradition, on this day we will be judged for all we have done in the past year. We repent to God asking for forgiveness of our… Continue reading What Yom Kippur Is All About?

Warning Signs and Red Flags for Sexual Violence – Rape Prevention Training

The truth of life is that we don’t get to pick when bad things happen. We don’t normally wake up and know that the events of the day will change our lives forever. All we can do is train our minds and body so that, if that day comes, we can be ready:  We can be… Continue reading Warning Signs and Red Flags for Sexual Violence – Rape Prevention Training

Love Isn’t About Protection, It’s About Empowerment

Love Isn’t About Protection, It’s About Empowerment

From The Beginning To a Post-COVID Beginning

In July 2020, I wrote the letter below to the KME community. I had no idea what the rest of the year would look like. I didn’t know if we were going to survive all Covid restrictions and absolutely couldn’t guess the road bumps and setbacks I had to deal with soon after I published… Continue reading From The Beginning To a Post-COVID Beginning

Best Way To Handle Violence? Cut It Off From The Start

I hope everyone is getting some socially distant outside time. The weather is beautiful, and the sunshine is great for getting some Vitamin D. Also, the 21 class challenge is still going, and I’m excited to add more names to the list of winners.  Unfortunately, the topic of the week is a lot sadder. We… Continue reading Best Way To Handle Violence? Cut It Off From The Start

Covid-19 & Domestic Violence

I’m proud of everyone who completed the 21-day challenge; your most significant reward is already granted! Those who were able to accomplish 21 classes in 21 days have reported a difference in muscle tone and fitness level. Well done! I hope you all saw you were capable of a lot more training than you thought.… Continue reading Covid-19 & Domestic Violence

Let’s Talk About Your RoundHouse Kicks

Congratulations to those who won the 21 Krav Challenge. Expect an email for your reward. For everyone else, try again for next month!  As a part of our constant effort to provide our students with a broad approach to training, we created a mobility program that will assist with your practice. Here’s a link to… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Your RoundHouse Kicks

2020 Feels Like A Kick To The Groin

    First, I hope everyone is almost done with the 21 Krav Day Challenge. I know a few people who have already finished, and I can’t wait to announce the award.  We are starting to begin the process of slowly returning to lives to normal. It’s a very stressful time for many of us, who… Continue reading 2020 Feels Like A Kick To The Groin