Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

Escaping Arm Grabs. Before It’s Too Late

We are almost done with our 21 class challenge and I hope you all are on the way. I am preparing the surprise for you all and I know you will enjoy it. For those who missed out, we’ll be doing it again next month, with an additional challenge for those who won this month. … Continue reading Escaping Arm Grabs. Before It’s Too Late

21 Challenge Progress – Week 2

Since we announced the 21 challenage, many of you got on board! I am really excited to have the prize for those who complete it, but I’m also excited to see the changes in you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I hope you have gotten the chance to try new teachers and… Continue reading 21 Challenge Progress – Week 2

21 Classes Challange

    I’m excited to announce the June KravMaga 21 challenge, for Krav Maga Experts’ students to make a commitment to take at least 21 online Krav Maga classes overall. We started the count from June 1st.  21 classes (all classes count, including power and mobility and stretch) Those who complete the challenge will get a… Continue reading 21 Classes Challange

What Did You Learn in 70 Days of Quarantine?

  Dear Krav students    We are in the tenth week (70 days as of my writing today) of quarantine since the last class at Krav Maga Experts happened and we were ordered to shut down by order of the government in order to maintain the safety of the students and staff. Since then, we’ve been… Continue reading What Did You Learn in 70 Days of Quarantine?

Five Steps To Achieve Your Goal

People like to lie to themselves. We all do it in different ways, but the result is usually the same. It takes us off the course of our goals and distracting our attention. We lie to ourselves that we’re too tired to go to the gym. If there was a thousand dollar check waiting at… Continue reading Five Steps To Achieve Your Goal

7 Ways To Improve Your Training

My parents raised me to always think for myself and question the world around me. They never wanted me to follow orders blindly but to constantly learn for myself what’s the right thing to do was. I know it’s much easier to just command obedience but my parents wanted me to have as much freedom… Continue reading 7 Ways To Improve Your Training

IDF Spirit (Part II)

Last week, I began with a discussion of the 10 Principles of the IDF. I did it on one of the most emotional days of the year for me, in honor of my uncle who I never even got to meet. This week, I want to continue.  (6) Professionalism Being professional means doing your work… Continue reading IDF Spirit (Part II)

The Spirit of Israel

On November 24, 2009, my life changed forever. The day before, I was a civilian, a teenager who just finished high school. On that day, I became a soldier for the state of Israel.      When I entered the army, I received a document called “Ruach Tzahal” (Spirit of the Israeli Army) which would be the… Continue reading The Spirit of Israel

Never Again Since 1948

    Today is Yom Hashoah, the memorial for the 6 million Jewish people murdered, and for the survivors who endured unspeakable suffering and terrible loss. The Holocaust was systemized state-terror bent on destroying everything Jewish. To put it in perspective, half of the Jews in Europe and one-third of Jews overall in the entire… Continue reading Never Again Since 1948

My Real-Life Experience, Using Krav Maga

I arrived at Krav Maga Experts at the age of 15, a scared, overweight, and constantly nervous kid. Over the years, my instructors not only became father figures who helped me overcome many of my great obstacles, (Including all three prior mentioned obstacles,) but just as importantly taught me how to be situationally aware, and… Continue reading My Real-Life Experience, Using Krav Maga