Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

Active Shooter Training – Life-Saving Information

Active Shooter Training – Life-Saving Information   What does it take to see a weapon pointed at you and react?   Most people’s default response is to freeze. Would you know what to do? According to the Gun Violence Archive, 272 mass shooting incidents have already occurred in 2018, as of October. Active shooter situations… Continue reading Active Shooter Training – Life-Saving Information

The First Time I Participated In An Active Shooter Training

 Active Shooter Workshop at Krav Maga Experts: Student’s Review It’s becoming an all too familiar scene with the major media outlets reporting an active shooter incident that it’s either taking place as “Breaking News” or has already happened. In any case, there are multiple injuries, fatalities and another family mourning the senseless death of a… Continue reading The First Time I Participated In An Active Shooter Training

How Training in Krav Maga can Help Improve your Professional and Personal Life

By now, most people have heard of Krav Maga in New York.  If you are new to the world of self-defense training, Krav Maga is a self-defense and fighting system developed by the Israeli Defense Forces.  Krav Maga courses in New York City have become extremely popular over the last few years because they serve… Continue reading How Training in Krav Maga can Help Improve your Professional and Personal Life

My Old ME – VS – My New Me

 Hello everyone and welcome back to the KME blog! Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about myself and how the study of Krav Maga has affected me and helped me become a stronger person, both physically and mentally. Women don’t generally have it easy in society–never have. We are often harassed, dictated to… Continue reading My Old ME – VS – My New Me

Interview With An Expert – Markus Anderson

We are blessed with a great team of instructors. Markus Anderson, who came all the way from Denmark to join our international team. Markus dedicated a significant part of his life to practicing and teaching martial arts. After running his own club in Copenhagen, training the Danish army, and special police units he decided to dedicate his… Continue reading Interview With An Expert – Markus Anderson

7 Things I Didn’t Know About Krav Maga

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the KME blog! Today, after doing two back-to-back Krav classes, Strike and Krav Maga, I went over the exercises I improved on since coming here, and the ones that needed some more work. My punches have become stronger and more focused, though the pivoting on my feet could probably use… Continue reading 7 Things I Didn’t Know About Krav Maga

My First Experience With Krav Maga in NYC

We approached the familiar old building on 12th street and University Place–usually, my younger sister and I went there for doctor visits. Today, I would be sitting in a class that my sister had started taking earlier that summer. No, it wasn’t her typical ballet classes that she used to dominate in. It was something… Continue reading My First Experience With Krav Maga in NYC

70 Years Of Krav Maga

As Israel celebrates 70 years of existence, we can stop to reflect on the fact that in so short a time a nation under constant siege from hostile states has contributed so many positive inventions for the rest of humanity. Most of the technology used today whether it’s a mobile phone, computer chip, Facebook, anti-virus… Continue reading 70 Years Of Krav Maga

Bruises Aren’t a Sign Of Weakness!

We don’t need to protect women, we need to teach them how to protect themselves. We don’t need to empower, we need to let them be strong. This is a wonderful repost from @luminousarchitecture – I took a bit of a beating training P3 fight tactics last night at Krav Maga Experts – Park Slope… Continue reading Bruises Aren’t a Sign Of Weakness!

How Self-Defense Helps You Lose Weight

How Self-Defense Helps You Lose Weight It’s that time of the year! In a few minutes, the ball will drop in Times Square to usher in the New Year. The countdown begins, the crowd gets more excited, you are happy the old year is out and hope for a better year ahead. As the New… Continue reading How Self-Defense Helps You Lose Weight