Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

Will AI Make Us More Violent?

AI is starting to become integrated into our daily lives; in every activity, subject and industry. At this point in time, we have excitement over the technology’s rapid advancement and the time it saves over lengthy tasks. But everything comes with a price. When we start realizing how expensive the price is, it may be… Continue reading Will AI Make Us More Violent?

The Irreplaceable Human Touch: Why AI Can’t Replace Krav Maga

AI (artificial intelligence) is the latest news. It helps many individuals complete projects much faster and often at a higher level than they could do so independently. Undoubtedly, it will help keep costs down for many businesses as production increases and the need for physical manpower decreases. On the other hand, many friends of mine… Continue reading The Irreplaceable Human Touch: Why AI Can’t Replace Krav Maga

Back to Yourself is Going Backwards

In the journey of life, one thing remains certain: change. From the moment we take our first breath to the last, we are in a constant state of flux. I often hear people say, “I want to get back to myself,” I am tired of being in a setback and not being able to move.… Continue reading Back to Yourself is Going Backwards

If You Fight With a Crazy Person, You Already Lost.

In recent years, violence in New York City public transportation has become an increasingly frequent phenomenon, leaving many people feeling disempowered, scared, and helpless. Again and again, I receive emails from students or random people who seek advice about what to do when witnessing or being a part of a violent situation. Last week, I… Continue reading If You Fight With a Crazy Person, You Already Lost.

Why do people fight in NYC? 

Why do people fight in NYC?  Fighting is a complex behavior that can be motivated by a variety of factors. Today, I will explore some of the most common reasons why people fight, and what function this action is fulfilling a social role. What are the different types of fighting? There are many different types… Continue reading Why do people fight in NYC? 

Do you fear public speaking?

Do you fear public speaking? Fear of public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is one of the most common phobias in the world. It is estimated that about 75% of people experience some level of fear when speaking in public, and about 15% of people have a severe fear that interferes with their daily lives.… Continue reading Do you fear public speaking?

Fighting skills are not just to hurt bad guys.

First, allow me to share a personal story; Sometime in 2015, I entered the subway station at West 18 Street. I was pushing a stroller, with my firstborn son in it. As I got into the station, I heard screaming and saw that a public freakout was quickly forming. I saw dozens of men and… Continue reading Fighting skills are not just to hurt bad guys.

Life Lessons We Should Learn From Kids

My most important title is “father.” And while I dedicate an extensive amount of time to keeping my kids safe, educated, fed, and entertained, I have also learned more from them than I ever expected to. Today, I want to explore some of the life lessons adults can learn from kids. We will discuss the… Continue reading Life Lessons We Should Learn From Kids

True Freedom Comes From Within

Today we are celebrating the birth-day of the concept of freedom in the “land of the free.” While I have many thoughts on this, I decided to focus today on what happens if you lose your freedom. Or, rephrased as a question – Are you free? Losing freedom comes in different forms, not only when… Continue reading True Freedom Comes From Within

The Solution to Sexual Violence

Allow me to share one of the countless stories I have received from my students, which highlights a common pattern. What connects these stories is the lack of education in self-defense, personal boundaries, and the ever-changing societal norms. The student who wrote the testimony below chose to remain anonymous. She brought up a very interesting… Continue reading The Solution to Sexual Violence