Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

Why Relaxing Makes You Anxious

If you ever researched Krav Maga on Youtube, you probably found some big, bulky men breaking necks and throwing their opponents around a room with full-on aggression. Then you came to train with us, and one of the first things you heard me say is, relax, breathe, don’t be tense. Stop being aggressive. Don’t respond… Continue reading Why Relaxing Makes You Anxious

The Recipe for Success

People often attribute “passiveness” to the achievements of those who excel in their craft. However, success is a multifaceted outcome that relies on talent, hard work, and even a bit of luck. While some individuals possess innate talent, their success is not solely based on luck. Talent alone is not enough; it requires dedication, guidance,… Continue reading The Recipe for Success

Before Resilience Comes Pain

I came across a beautiful story that reminded me of a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine. Our discussion was about the unexpected and sometimes devastating turns our life journey may bring. Wisely, my friend went on to tell me about the upside of forest fires and how it makes way for… Continue reading Before Resilience Comes Pain

The Red Pill and the Blue Pill: A Metaphor for Self-Defense

At the beginning of the 1999 sci-fi blockbuster hit The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is presented with a consequential choice. He is offered a red pill, which would allow him to understand the world outside of his “matrix” of false reality. The alternative is taking the blue pill, which would return him to the blissful… Continue reading The Red Pill and the Blue Pill: A Metaphor for Self-Defense

Violence: A Changing View

How Society Views Violence Over the Years The Evolving Perception of Violence Violence has been a part of human society since the beginning of time. It has been used to solve problems, gain power, and express anger and frustration. At one point in history, violence was seen as a legitimate way to achieve these goals.… Continue reading Violence: A Changing View

The Power of Positive Words

The words that come out of your mouth, therefore create the reality you inhabit. We often hear the phrase “words have power,” but did you know that they can also have a profound impact on the growth and health of living things? Recent studies suggest that when we speak positively to plants and use encouraging… Continue reading The Power of Positive Words

The ethics of self-defense

Self Defense As a Core Value The ethics of self-defense is a complex issue with no simple answers. There are many different factors to consider, such as the severity of the threat, the imminence of the threat, and the alternatives to using force. I recently came across a study called “Practice Evil” that contradicted everything… Continue reading The ethics of self-defense

Be The Kind Stranger

Courageous Kindness ​ A stranger helped a woman in New York City on the subway after she was verbally harassed and followed onto her train. The woman shared on social media how a man named Michael read the situation and came up with an ingenious tactic to help her out of harm’s way. Michael pretended… Continue reading Be The Kind Stranger

What Kind Of a Stalker Are You Dealing With?

The Five Kind Of Stalkers Understanding Stalkers: Identifying the Threats and How to Stay Safe   Stalking affects millions of people around the world and can be dangerous. It is a form of harassment that can cause severe psychological and emotional distress for the victim. It is often based on obsession (a persistent unhealthy preoccupation… Continue reading What Kind Of a Stalker Are You Dealing With?

Inside a Stalker’s Mind

How to Handle A Stalker? Over the years, many people who sought self defense training with us reported being stalked by an ex-partner, obsessive neighbor, or someone they didn’t know. I can only imagine how scary it might feel when you are being watched and observed by a random person or by a person you… Continue reading Inside a Stalker’s Mind