Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City

Tracking Makes Us Better

How Can Tracking Performance Makes Us Better?

How Tracking Improves Krav Maga: Measure Progress, Achieve Results

As humans, we are uniquely complex in our depth of emotional experiences, and in our ability to reflect on them and be driven by them.

We navigate through life caught between logic and emotion, where logic means drawing conclusions based on facts, a straightforward approach to improvement.

Undoubtedly, we’re driven more often than not by our emotions. This distinguishes personal opinions from scientific facts. Science relies on objective data and proven outcomes, while emotion guides us through a subjective lens shaped by our beliefs, values, and hopes for ourselves and the world around us.

We’re constantly faced with the challenge of understanding and internalizing every action and decision we make, scrutinizing it for its impact and significance. Essentially, we’re the echo of our actions, not merely our thoughts or intentions. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, a lesson I’ve learned over the years as too many of my well-intended actions didn’t lead to positive outcomes.

Anyone who’s ever run a business knows that success is ultimately measured by numbers. Businesses strive to grow, evolve, and adapt to the changing market. This requires awareness of mistakes, taking responsibility, and understanding how to improve. Often, we get too attached to certain processes or ways of working without checking if they actually lead us toward our set goals. When outcomes don’t materialize, it’s easier to blame external factors than to examine our own biased and often emotional assessments.

This is why contracts are a staple in the business world. They clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party, allowing for a tangible measure of success and preventing disputes over each member’s true contribution.

This approach isn’t just for business management but works well in our personal lives. We essentially manage ourselves, much like a business manager. Recognizing the importance of self-evaluation and measurement can be pivotal.

For example, in my routine to improve or maintain my physical fitness, I document my workouts, the days I exercise, my activities during each session, and the outcomes achieved. I track speed, distance, and weights, occasionally filming my exercises to assess my performance visually. This documentation helps me identify areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback to myself. The motivation I get from seeing the improvement is greater than I can explain in one sentence.

Additionally, I monitor three other vital factors: sleep, nutrition, and motivation. I’ve realized that the quality of my life, including my workout results, depends not just on what I do but also how I manage these aspects. Quality sleep, proper nutrition, and maintaining a positive mindset are driving forces that cannot be ignored.

Equally important is the realization that success isn’t determined solely by our actions but also by what we choose not to do. For instance, deciding not to buy unhealthy snacks or chocolate when shopping is a measure of personal growth and development.

Everything we do—or don’t do—accumulates, making it worthy of measurement!

While emotional metrics might not be quantifiable in the strictest sense, they are no less important. For example, it is important to consider the impact of my training on the quality of life of those I coach—how their self-defense skills and capabilities improve their self-esteem and confidence, and how this influences their decisions in other life areas like relationships and career choices. Even without a quantitative measure, the positive impact on their lives is undeniable and an integral part of my work and their success.

Understanding the significance of self-monitoring and control, even in realms that seem unquantifiable, highlights the necessity of being intentional and precise in all life areas. Studies have shown that when we measure our actions, we’re inclined to make smarter decisions. This is evident in everyday life—people act more politely in a restaurant than at their own dining table, and the presence of a security camera makes individuals more mindful of their actions, knowing they’re being observed.

Similarly, in our personal lives, just as in business, setting goals, planning how to reach them, and regularly checking our progress ensures we’re moving in the right direction.

Therefore, we begin by clearly defining our goals and identifying ways to measure our progress —requiring creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Then, we remain committed to the process, ready to adapt and improve as we go. Because if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.

Ultimately, what we do—and just as importantly, what we choose not to do—defines us. Every action, decision, and behavior accumulates to shape our identity, not only in our eyes but also in the eyes of others.

I see it as an obligation – we must make a contract with ourselves to act in good faith in achieving our wishes and goals. We define what is allowed and what is not, what our goals are, and how we plan to achieve them. This approach enables us to live more consciously, intentionally, and meaningfully.

If we don’t obey the terms of our own contracts, our right to complain about the results is therefore denied!

In the end, the message is clear: We own our actions, and through constant reflection and evaluation, we influence our personal outcomes. Facing challenges, focusing on goals, and using measurements and self-discipline allow us to develop, improve, and realize our full potential. Each of us is the artist of our life, with the power to create our masterpiece according to our vision and values.

If you are interested in trying the tracking system I use, I have added a link below


Do something amazing,

Tsahi Shemesh
Founder & CEO
Krav Maga Experts

1 comment

  1. All excellent points! Tracking is also the best way to determine what is making us healthier and what may be keeping us down. When I was very sick, I developed a system for tracking my food and activities, and it’s what gave me the insights I needed to finally get well. It’s how I learned that most “miracle” diets / supplements / exercises / etc may be great for others, but not so much for me. If you want insights on what works for YOUR body, you can access my Tracker for free here:

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